

リビエラ逗子マリーナ Riviera Zushi Marina

東京都心から約1時間、神奈川県逗子マリーナにある宿泊者限定の完全貸切制絶景プライベートサウナ Approximately 1 hour by car from central Tokyo, a completely private view sauna for guests only at Zushi Marina, Kanagawa Prefecture

外国人の家探し Finding a house for foreigner

日本で暮らす外国人が、住まい探しに苦労する状況が続いているそうです It seems that foreigners living in Japan are still struggling to find a place to live. 不動産情報サイト「LIFULL HOME'S」では外国籍の人などの相談に積極的に応じる業者を検索できるそうなので、外国籍の方はあきらめずに情報収集を The real estate information site "LIFULL HOME'S" seems to be able to search for companies that actively respond to consultations such as foreign nationals, so foreign nationals should not give up and collect information.

はじめに Introduce

このブログは日本の"いいね!"を再発見し、世界中の人々に紹介するサイトです This blog is a site that rediscovers the goodness of Japan and introduce to the world. ぜひ、自分なりの"いいね!"を発見してください Please discover your own "Like!"

露天風呂 Open-air bath

The open-air bath (Rotenburo) is a bath installed outdoors. Depending on the location, there are open-air baths where monkeys are bathing as well as people.

青森ねぶた祭り Aomori Nebuta Festival

Enjoy the short summer to the fullest! It is a festival where you can feel the power of Tohoku.


"Soba" is delicious in cold days. "Soba"is Japanese traditional diet food.

坂本 龍馬 Ryouma Sakamoto

Ryouma Sakamoto(1836-1867) He is Japan's national hero . He was a young samurai with no name, but greatly changed Japan.

河津桜 Kawazu cherry blossoms

Kawazu cherry blossoms are early-blooming cherry blossoms that begin to bloom in early February.

熊手(縁起物) KUMADE (Lucky things)

In Japan, KUMADE are displayed as a lucky charm for business prosperity with the meaning of "collecting" good luck and fortune.

浅草寺 五重塔 Five-storied Pagoda at Senso-ji(ASAKUSA TOKYO)

Sensoji Temple is the oldest temple in Tokyo, located in Asakusa 2-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, a 1-minute walk from Asakusa Station, and is one of the leading sightseeing and photography spots in Tokyo.